What is Parenting Therapy?

Couples with children may seek parenting therapy or therapeutic parenting, which falls under the larger umbrella of Marriage and Family therapy. Parents may have difficulties communicating with their children or with each other while caring for their children.
Issues that parenting therapy may resolve may include:

  • Child-Centered Marriages
  • Interference with Intimacy
  • Preferential Treatment
  • Communication Issues
  • Difficulty Establishing Consequences and Rewards
  • Creating a United Front
  • Parenting of Children with Special Needs
  • Gay and Lesbian Parenting
  • Multi-Parent Families

A therapist offers support and advice for raising a child during any stage of the child’s life. Often times, parenting issues may occur from troubled children who have been traumatized. Sometimes, children have a difficult time trusting a caregiver if the child is adopted or recently experienced grief or loss. A child needs to have a nurturing and structuring environment and infrastructure. Children need to see parents as loving yet authoritative figures to regulate and enforce rules in a household. A structure may help in correcting unruly behavior, offering consequences for breaking rules.

During therapy sessions, a psychologist listens to parents and creates different coping methods to deal and resolve with issues within a household while reinforcing rules, security, and affection. Both parents and children should feel comfortable to discuss their feelings and concerns openly. Parents need to work together, as a team, to create and reinforce the regulations of the family structure created.

A therapist observes parenting methods and works with the family to improve a parents’ ability to:

  • Guide Children through Developmental Stages
  • Create an Emotionally Stable Environment
  • Encourage Responsibility
  • Conduct Daily Tasks Efficiently

Parents who schedule an appointment with a therapist, such as myself, proves: they are committed to their families; they constantly strive to improve their parenting skills; and they are concerned for the well-being of their loved ones.